Hi David,

David Fogel wrote:
> Hi Bruno, Jerome-
> Thanks for taking a look at this!  I've just updated to the latest in
> trunk (SVN revision 6407).
> Unfortunately, the fix doesn't seem to be working- in fact now what
> I'm seeing is that the connection is never made from the client, but
> now my server starts using both CPU cores (up to %170 percent of my
> machine) just spinning away, causing the fans to blow.   Nothing shows
> up in the logs.
> I'll test further, but so far still not working for me.

Could you try with another connector, just in case (Jetty or Grizzly)? I 
had noticed a connection problem (once) when writing the patch this 
morning and testing it at the same time with the Simple connector, but I 
haven't had the problem since. (I'll try again on another machine.)

Best wishes,



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