I was looking for more information on exactly how the virtual
host RIAP references work and it doesn't seem to be on
the current wiki page:


Here's some specific feedback:

1. I really had to dig to find this page.  Finding it under
    Engine/Internal Connectors was not where I expected it
    to be found.  I think it would be really nice to call this
    out as a "feature" in a much more obvious place.  It
    is such a useful thing and keeps you from doing
    "unnatural" things to your applications.

2. The riap://host/... documentation is missing.

3. I'd like to seem something about the scope of resolving
    application references.  For example, I often use the pattern
    of having applications attach sub-applications.  As a result,
    although I'm only guessing here, it seems that the
    sup-application can't refer to its using/parent application.
    That probably should be described in more detail.

4. In general, there is very little about riap://application/...
    and how it works and/or is to be used.

--Alex Milowski


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