On 25/08/10 13:53, Xavier Méhaut wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> Actually our architecture is the following :
> A PC runs a restlet server locally (withou a servlet container); the
> resources served by this server call themselves other restlets which are
> located into another restlet serveron another PC, but this restlet
> server  one is hosted in Tomcat with SSL setted.
> The problem occurs when trying to call these remote restlets from the
> first PC.
> SSL is managed by tomcat and the certificate has been generated by java
> keygen.

Ah, this makes sense. When you say "the certificate has been generated 
by java keygen", presumably, you haven't sent the certificate request to 
a Certification Authority, so you're effectively using a self-signed 
certificate on your Tomcat server (presumably, you meant "keytool" 
instead of "keygen" too?).
There's nothing wrong with that (although this could become an issue if 
you expect other clients to connect). However, for the client to be able 
to connect, you need to tell it to trust your server's certificate 
explicitly. This means that the trust store you're using on the client 
side needs to contain this self-signed certificate.

The default trust store in Java is usually in 
$JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts (and the default password is "changeme").
I wouldn't necessarily modify that file, but you can take a copy of it 
and import the certificate you've generated on the server into it.

* On the server:

1. Find the alias you need from the keystore (otherwise, the default 
will be "mykey":
    keytool -list -keystore keystore.jks

You should see a list like this:
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 
the alias name, 25-Aug-2010, PrivateKeyEntry,

2. Export the certificate:
    keytool -exportcert -keystore keystore.jks -alias "the alias name" 
-file servercert.der

(Note that you only export the certificate here, not the private key, 
which is not to be distributed.)

* On the client:

1. It's not strictly required, but I would copy 
$JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts to a file that doesn't affect the whole 
system, let's say "mycacerts.jks".

2. Import the server certificate into that store:
    keytool -importcert -keystore mycacerts.jks -trustcacerts -file 

(Optionally, use '-alias "some alias name"' if you want it to be easier 
to identity later on in the list. I'd go for the host name there, but 
it's just an internal indication in the store.)

3. Configure your Restlet client to use that as a trust store.

If you think it's a good idea to use this as a trust store across 
everything that runs within that JVM, you can use the 
javax.net.ssl.trustStore properties.

Otherwise, you can set it on a per-connector basis, using the Context 
parameters.add("truststorePath", "<path>mycacerts.jks");
parameters.add("truststorePassword", "password");
// parameters.add("truststoreType", "JKS");

Best wishes,



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