
well, in your case, the conversion of Blah objects to Representation is taken 
into account by a JSON converter. From the point of view of converters, there 
is not difference between the two annotated methods, because they both return a 
Blah object. And as they are two methods that are able to generate json 
representations, the algorithm choose the first declared one.
As a general rule it's better to put specific methods before the generic ones.
I wonder why the are two distinct methods. Do they generate distinct objects?
I can see a reason to use a specific method when you control the way to 
generate the json representation and don't want to rely on converter. In this 
case, if you remove the JSON converter and change the method so that it returns 
a Representation, the content negotiation happens correctly:
public Representation retrieve2() {
   //return a JSON Representation according to your own serialisation algorithm.

I don't argue to reply plainly to your request, so feel free to ask for more 

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau


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