Kind of an interesting thing, here...

I've got a project using Restlets. I've added the grizzly extension jars.
When I run the project by building up a classpath, and then invoking the
main entry point of my app, the Grizzly framework starts up just fine.

   java -cp $CLASSPATH my.package.Main

However, if I unpack all the jars to make a single uber-jar so that I can do
the following:

  java -jar uber.jar

Restlets starts up the internal web-server, and not Grizzly. I'm guessing
that the code actually inspects the classpath for the presence of certain
jar files in order to make its decision.

Is there any way to call appropriate methods on a Component to insist on
starting Grizzly?

I'd like to be able to use the uber-jar because it makes my shell scripts a
lot easier, and because I want to insulate my colleagues (who are not Java
programmers) from having to be aware of such issues.




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