> Second attempt without the typos J
> ---
> Hi all,
> While preparing for the release of Restlet Framework 2.1 M1 (due 
> tomorrow), I’ve done some clean-up and removed modules that we won’t 
> develop or support anymore. The goal is to focus our energy on the 
> modules adding the most value to end-users rather than trying to 
> integrate with everything cool technology around.
> I first had a look at the incubator and saw three modules that aren’t 
> developed anymore:
> ·JXTA : technology for peer-to-peer networks which hasn’t evolved much 
> since 2007
> ·Shell : command line support for Restlet, which we prefer to cover 
> using IDE tooling 
> <http://wiki.restlet.org/developers/172-restlet/361-restlet.html> in 
> the future
> ·Atmosphere : mostly empty, dependency on Servlet API, too much to do, 
> too much overlap with the asynchronous Restlet API features…  but 
> interesting project to keep an eye on :)
implementing a websocket connector on top of restlet would be a much 
less loss of band(cpu)width ;-)

Atmostphere is too much oriented toward jersey and the dependency on the 
servlet even if it could be aleviated it is too much of work
for a technology that have now less attraction (read tech lust) than 
websocket as a lot of libraries could make it available even for old 
browsers through
a flash proxy.
> In addition I would like to remove the Grizzly and Netty extensions 
> which were considered as experimental connectors in Restlet Framework 
> 2.0. The new internal connector 
> <http://wiki.restlet.org/developers/172-restlet/354-restlet.html> 
> based on non-blocking NIO that will be available in version 2.1 M1 now 
> provides similar advantages (fully decoupling HTTP connections and IO 
> threads) and is already more complete from a HTTP coverage point of 
> view. Relying on our own connector also has many advantages such as 
> control of the IO/network layer allowing features such as TCP/IP 
> connection blocking which would be possible a consistent manner across 
> all extension connectors.
I use Grizzly (for not good reason anymore) what is your suggestion for 
current development (i.e not in production)
abandon it and switch to jetty as a safe bet for production cases and 
play with your new baby in developpement to test it ?

ps : to bad you droped netty as it could be used outside of the http 
case for communicating with plain old socket oriented
servers as it is more supported than apache mina.


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