Hi all, 

this is the first time I post on the mailing list so please apologies if some 
informations are missing: just ask for them and I'll give you them with 
pleasure :)

I wrote this simple sample of code that should work fine:

import org.restlet.ext.xml.DomRepresentation;
DomRepresentation domRep = new DomRepresentation(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, 
refNode = domRep.getNode(refnode);

Here, doc.getDom() is a valid XML Document (org.w3c.dom.Document) : I print the 
content of the document as a String (in the console) and the content is ok.
I also use the org.restlet.data.MediaType.

I try to search for the following xpath : 
"/section/section/section/para/text()" but it fails : the method getNode() 
returns null. 
I checked the content of the XML and the path exists.

I tried with simpler xpath, like "/section" but it returns null too. 
When I print the result of getNode("/*"), it shows "[section: null]".
When I print the result of getNode("/"), it shows "[#document: null]".

Does any one know what is the reason of this problem ? or what could I do to 
solve it ? 
Do you need more informations ?

Thanks in advance for helping.


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