After 4 months of release candidates, we are happy to announce that 
Prudence is production-worthy. We've been using it very successfully 
with numerous in-house projects and for several clients.

Prudence provides Restlet developers with a complete, Restlet-centric 
deployment container, as an alternative to deploying via JEE containers 
such as Tomcat. As a container, Prudence also allows JSP-like scriptlet 
programming, albeit based on Restlet and with many sophisticated caching 
features. For more information on using Prudence as a container:

Moreover, Prudence can provide Restlet programmers with an alternative 
programming environment, based on one of six JVM languages: Python, 
Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript, PHP or Groovy. Use the full power of Restlet 
without writing a single line of Java code! This is useful not only for 
quick prototyping of REST resources, but also works very well for 
full-blown products.

For example, we've had unprecedented success working and deploying with 
the "LEMP" stack: Linux, Ext-JS, MongoDB, and Prudence for JavaScript. 
Using JavaScript on the server, client and database allows us to stay 
within the same coding paradigm throughout the RESTful project and 
encourages cooperation within our development teams. We've never been 
able to complete projects which such speed before, while having complete 
confidence in the products' ability to scale and grow.

I'd like to personally thank Jerome, Thierry and everyone who assisted 
on the Restlet mailing list during development! It's been a wonderful 

And now, it's time to think of Prudence 1.1...


Tal Liron and Three Crickets


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