This looks terrific, Dave! Congratulations -- it's always a great 
feeling to finally get a big project out the door.

I am especially interested in how you used OSGi for deployment. I'm 
still torn about the costs vs. the benefits. The idea seems great in 
theory, but it seems to me to have arrived too late in the JVM scene, 
and too many libraries are difficult to integrate. Even Restlet has a 
ways to go -- it would be great if individual applications could become 
OSGi bundles, but it's not entirely clear what the best architecture 
would be. If you write a nice blog post about it, I will tip you. ;)

Kudos on embracing MongoDB. I have my own announcement regarding MongoDB 
and Restlet coming soon...


On 03/28/2011 03:13 PM, David Fogel wrote:

> Hello All-
> We've been using Restlet for the last few years in developing our
> recently-launched consumer Web service called TipTheWeb, and I thought
> that people on this list might be interested in hearing about it.
> is a new service that lets you directly support your
> favorite web content by tipping it- for instance, you might like a
> blog post and tip it 25 cents. The goal is to make possible what we
> call "community-supported Web publishing", where we can all
> participate in building a better Internet by supporting the publishers
> that create great stuff, whether it's writing, photographs, videos,
> open-source software, or almost anything else published online that is
> free to access.
> Here's the site:
> And here's our recent blog post announcing our recent release:
> We use Restlet as the core of our HTTP infrastructure, both for more
> standard JSON web service type resources as well as our human-facing
> web site and application (for which we built a thin framework on top
> of Restlet).  We develop and deploy all our code within an OSGi
> runtime, which, among other things, gives us the ability to break up
> our software into modules and hot-deploy new code without taking down
> the main java process. So we have a pretty non-traditional technology
> stack (which I describe in slightly more detail here
> ), and which I'd be happy to discuss
> further on this list.
> Using Restlet has worked out pretty well for us, and we'd like to
> thank Jerome, Thierry, and all the other contributors and helpful
> folks us this list for Restlet and it's supportive community.  And I'd
> like to point out that supporting open-source software like Restlet is
> a major goal of TipTheWeb, so consider using our new service to tip
> !
> Dave Fogel
> TipTheWeb Foundation
> ------------------------------------------------------


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