Hello Tom,

>3980273410 is the size of the file that i'm trying to transfer. actually its
>the index of the last byte of the file. all of my variables are declared as
>long -- the catalina stack trace shows:
> at
> at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:461)
> at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:499)
> at org.restlet.engine.http.header.RangeReader.update(RangeReader.java:65)

This StackTrace shows, that it is an int here (parseInt() ). You have to look 
in the source code, what happens here (I haven't the current code here), which 
value is parsed. Maybe you could have luck, that parseInt is a bug and should 
be parseLong. Class org.restlet.data.Range has long attributes.

best regards

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