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    <p>I would like to resurrect a very old thread, from more than a
      year ago:</p>
    <p><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" 
    <p>Looking at the state of Restlet 2.1, I can't seem to find a
      solution to the old problem, which implies asynchronous support is
      still broken.</p>
    <p>To rehash the problem:</p>
    <p>Even if I set autoCommitting to false, parts of the Restlet
      framework upstream will modify the Response (there is nothing to
      stop them, since they have no idea about autoCommit downstream).
      Their actions can easily interfere with my own "comitter" code,
      which may be trying to modify the response at the same time. So,
      the commit as a whole ends up being non-atomic and prone to race
    <p>My suggestion back then was to throw a special exception class
      that would force upstream Restlets to avoid any kind of messing
      with the response. We don't like adding more exceptions, but in
      this case there is an obvious advantage of using the exception
      unrolling feature of the JVM to elegantly send messages upstream.
      (Another solution would be to set a special flag in the response,
      but this would require all upstream restlets to explicitly check
      for this flag.)<br>
    <p>So, I'm wondering what's the status of this now! This is a
      feature I've been wanting to see in Restlet for years. The
      potential is there (the concurrency stuff is well handled), but
      there is still this missing piece of the mechanism.<br>


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