Thanks a lot Arjohn,

I've opened an issue for this bug :

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

Hi all,
> I think I've run into a serious bug in ClientResource. I've found this
> in method handle(Method method, Object entity, Class<T> resultClass) in
> restlet 2.0.10, but 2.1.x seems to be affected too.
> What I think is wrong with this method is that it uses the variants for
> the response to convert the request entity to a representation. Imagine
> doing the following call:
>"1234", Integer.class)
> ClientResource.handle(...) will try to convert the string "1234" to a
> representation using a converter for integers. This will succeed with
> the DefaultConverter as it happens to be able to encode both strings and
> integers, but in other situations it will fail misserably.
> I hope you can fix this soon. Are there any work-arounds that I can use
> until then?
> --
> Arjohn Kampman -
> ------------------------------------------------------


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