Hello Kevin,

I think there is no need to provide your own ServerServlet or
ServletAdapter. I'm able to run your code, once I simply provide a
ServerServlet instead of DemoRestletServlet:

    // Restlet context
    ServletContextHandler restletContext = new ServletContextHandler(
ServletContextHandler.NO_SESSIONS );
    restletContext.setContextPath( "/restlet" );
    ServerServlet restletServlet = new ServerServlet();
    ServletHolder restletHolder = new ServletHolder( restletServlet );
   restletHolder.setInitParameter( "org.restlet.application",
DemoApp.class.getName() );
    restletContext.addServlet( restletHolder, "/*" );

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

2012/4/27 Kevin Minder <kmin...@gmail.com>

> I think I've figured it out.  The key seems to be that to have the level
> of control I want for my use case, I need to use the ServletAdapter instead
> of the ServerServlet.  I've attached a working version of my test case that
> makes this change.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2954490


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