Hi guys,

I am experiencing some issues with regards to Redirector and external Apache 
HTTP Client connector. The issue is that Reverse proxy implemented using 
Redirector will die after some time. I was trying to find a reason for this odd 
behaviour but with no luck.

I am able to reproduce the issue by using JMeter and attached JMeter test plan. 
When running a test and stopping it few times manually, the Reverse proxy will 
die. This is the case only when Apache HTTP Client connector is used.

I prepared SSCCEE project which is composed of back-end mock server (running on 
port 9999) and reverse proxy (running on port 8080) and JMeter test plan 

Steps to reproduce the issue (will take no more then 3 minutes):
 - Run attached project: mvn clean install exec:java (server on port 9999 and 
reverse proxy on port 8080 will be started - please note that logging is turned 
off for performance reasons).
 - Open up JMeter and load attached test plan.
 - Run & stop test plan few times consecutively.
 - Reverse proxy will eventually die (backend-server on port 9999 should still 
be alive).

Any explanation of what is causing this is more then welcome.

P.S.: If you need any additional informations please let me know.


Attachment: ReverseProxyIsueSSCCEE.rar
Description: Binary data

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