
We have a legacy system comprising two servers and up to 5 different 
environments that look a bit like this:

TEST_SERVER --> Dev / Test / QA / Ref

So the TEST_SERVER has 4 environments and the LIVE_SERVER just the one. To add 
to the confusion, the servers host both the RESTlet instances (under Tomcat) 
and the "backend" database, and the web apps are able to connect to the 
databases of either machine. In other words, you can be accessing the HTTP 
server of the test machine, but connect to the database of the live machine.

For reasons explained here 
I'm trying to develop a system using RESTlet where the "model" is implemented 
using stored procedures on the back-end system which can be mapped to URLs by 
configuration alone. The idea being that to implement some new business logic a 
stored procedure is written and then a new URL template mapping to that 
procedure is added to the configuration (and the app restarted to reload the 
routes). My RESTlet application provides the glue between the stored procedures 
and the web and automatically maps the parameters in the URL template, query 
parameters etc. to the stored procedure parameters prior to the call. The 
result from the stored procedures is then used as the model for Freemarker 
templates to create the desired representation, according to the "accepts" 
header and the template provided in the configuration for the stored procedure 
in question. 

Although it's very much at the prototype stage it seems to work very well so 
far (largely thanks to Tim's help in the thread mentioned above!).

My problem is how best to deal with the multiple environments and especially 
how to make sure that relative URLs stay relative to the correct environment. I 
suspect this would be a good case for virtual hosts, with a separate VH for 
each environment like this:

http://{env}.TEST_SERVER:8080/ where "env" is the database/environment. This 
way I guess any URLs relative to the root ref will point to the correct 

However, our network set-up doesn't allow me to use sub-domains, and that isn't 
likely to change, so I think the only other approach I have is to do this:


In this case, I would like the URL above to become the root so that any 
relative URLs specified are always relative this base part and it can be added 
to the Freemarker model to enable templates to generate URLs for links etc. 
with the correct base.

I thought perhaps this could be done by chaining routers such that the initial 
root is this:


and have a restlet attached which changes the request's "rootRef" to the 
"resourceRef" and then chaining the routers for the remaining part of the URLs 

Would this work or is there a better way to approach the whole problem? Any 
ideas and suggestion would be very welome!!




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