I can probably stop up there this Friday grab the files and work on it a little 
this weekend.

On Thursday, October 24, 2013 8:38 AM, "degerov...@yahoo.com" 
<degerov...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Alex, we do have some content that was filmed at the screen printing class that 
needs edited then uploaded. It is on the flip cam. I believe G has some footage 
from other talks as well. There is a premier pro video editing suite on the 
windows machine in the Perkins room. If you want to tackle this it would be 
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

 From:  alex kot <alexk...@yahoo.com>; 
To:  SYN/HAK discussion list <discuss@synhak.org>; 
Subject:  Re: [SH-Discuss] The Speaker's Bureau rises again like a phoenix! 
Sent:  Thu, Oct 24, 2013 2:30:09 AM 

Torrie if you need someone to assist on this, I am more then welcome to help 
out.  I think getting some new content that we can put on our Youtube channel 
will bring more of a face to SYN/HAK.  We can start probably with a few people 
from SYN/HAK, I would like to give some presentation, Craig mention it too, and 
I see Justin would like to also.   If you need someone to help coordinate or 
update the "Classes" on the website I am willing to assist.

Let me know what I can do to help,
Alex Kot

On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:25 PM, Justin Herman <just...@gmail.com> wrote:
I can offer to speak again if you are needing people to speak in the future.

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Torrie Fischer <tdfisc...@hackerbots.net> 

Howdy, hakkers!
>Remember this thing?
>When we started the bureau, I was the de facto head and handled:
>* Finding speakers
>* Scheduling speakers
>* Making sure the speakers are well accomodated
>* Running PR for speakers
>Some time ago, I believe as early as April, Xander stepped up and started to
>take charge of things. I really don't remember any announcement about it other
>than some in-person discussions, but I was quite happy to have one fewer
>responsibility at the space.
>Last week was the first wednesday slot I can remember where we didn't have
>anything scheduled. Previously, we had so many classes booked that there was a
>four month wait to get in. Sounds like much, but isn't really since we only do
>it twice a month.
>We discussed this at last night's meeting as well (phong not reporting minutes
>is another topic...), and the general consensus seems to be that nobody is
>actually running it anymore. If anyone is, there is absolutely no visibility
>as to what is going on.
>For such a core component of SYNHAK's mission to educate, I think it would Not
>Be Excellent for this situation to continue.
>I'm stepping up and taking over unless there are objections to that. If
>someone else can contribute the 1-2 hours a week needed for organizing things,
>please let me know here on discuss@. If you want to get involved with getting
>the bureau running again and *keeping* it running, please also let me know
>here on discuss@.
>If I don't hear from anyone by tomorrow afternoon, I'll start devising some
>self-sustaining mechanisms for the bureau's future along with scheduling new
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