If you've spoken to, or did anything regarding finding a newspace, please
log it at the link above.

I've begun logging my notes there (still editing) - also, I don't know if
I'll be arriving at tonight's meeting (there are factors that affect it) ..
so please bring it up and share with non-members as well.

Goal is to keep a status on who all we've reached out to -
formally/informally. No information too private (what use is a conversation
if it isn't shared?)

Also, know that this resource will be valuable to atleast one other group
that's trying to prospect a space like us.

>From the get go, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one that keeps
editing the page, but would encourage the whole membership to - pick up the
phone, seek out owners of buildings downtown and provide them a status
update of SYN/HAK and our needs - ideally in person <-- I'm sad I can't do
this myself.

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