
Thanks for your prompt reply.

Welding the broken pieces will be Plan B.

You can have a shot at it, if I must get it welded.  Success will earn you
a steak dinner (or whatever your brain demands as food).  Failure will
require re-education and discipline in the form of 20 lashes out in the
parking lot.

I have contacted the manufacturer (Thunderbird) and inquired about buying a
new, or used, or second grade blank housing to use in the refurb/repair

Would much rather use a whole, undamaged housing instead of one repaired
with a weld or glue.

When I get a reply from the CSR at T'bird, I will let you know the status
of the project.

I would like to move the item to SH at the Summit St address to work on it.

When can I do that?

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