Andrew I see your concern with this initiative. It would be be easy to find
out who had or not paid IF we had access to a ledger, access to management
of: google checkout/dwolla/square, or any documentation.

The current treasurer has been seeking this information from the previous
treasurer for over a month. Without this documentation we cannot know who
has paid and who has not.

During the board meeting 3 plans of action were devised.

1. Wait, do nothing and trust that members will continue to pay without
being told that they are behind. Hope that documentation will be given in
the future.
2. Ask all members to prove all transactions.
3. Provide a "clean slate", Assume the best from our members. That they all
have paid as they should. Anyone who can and is willing to prove that they
have paid ahead will be verified by the treasurer.

All members are assumed to have paid for May. Dues are due for June. Anyone
who has not paid/provided documentation by July 1st will be given a grace
period to pay or prove until July 15th. If no action is taken then
membership will be terminated.

As far as donations vs dues the IRS is only going to want to know the final
total number and that can be calculated by adding all the deposits minus
the grants.

The meeting minutes were delayed as the phong system we were using has been
offline and the wiki has been sick. Please be patient as Craig and Alex
have been working to correct the issue. Until then notetakers have been
emailing the list when they are able to.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:38 PM, a l <> wrote:

> I would like some clarification on the dues payment:
>   By forgiving dues debt aren't we simply postponing work that needs to be
> done anyways? How detailed does our tax return need to be, I can't imagine
> the IRS being content with a simple account balance. Especially AFAIK dues
> are considered donations and tax deductable.
> Second: I am confused about when the minutes are saying payment is due. I
> have been under the impression, and distinctly remember many meetings
> stating that, dues for a month are due at the -beginning- of the month.
> That is June dues are expected at the end of May, or the first 10(?) days
> of June.
> A point about member suspension or removal. The dated letter, email, or
> conversation transcript used to inform the member of their possible
> suspension and subsequent board meeting discussion is something that needs
> to be on file with the secretary in the event the suspension or removal is
> challenged.
> a minor note, is the technical delay behind minutes distribution being
> handled so it doesn't happen habitually?
> regards,
> Andrew L
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Craig Bergdorf <> wrote:
>> --Meeting at 48 S Summit St on June 3rd  2014--
>> *Note Taker:* Craig and Steve
>> *Moderator:* Alex
>> *Intro:*
>> Alex:  IT Work
>> Craig: take notes
>> Steve: alternate note taker
>> Justin: eats Panera bread
>> Jim: wife saw in newspaper, jack of all trades, jack of none
>> Andy: electronics and build ddr pads
>> James: software dev, isp, laser and more
>> Chris: completes electric moped
>> Theresa: found from welding class, Learns
>> Angelo: bicycle repair and design
>> Phillip: today is a secretary for himself
>> Adam: likes to party
>> *Announcements:*
>> Phillip: Akron art walk 5-10pm this Saturday – call for volunteers  1@6
>> 2@8 2@9
>> Bring your projects P: will show it off.
>> Justin: Cleveland b sides (Free) Sunday July 19th @ Grog shop – more
>> than IT (impromptu security and technology meet)
>> Call for talks
>> Devin: new keys to the space, if you still need the updated key contact
>> Devin:
>> Welding class this Wednesday – signup sheet up front
>> Alex: wireless mesh hackathon this weekend, more info @ meetup% Will be
>> building wireless mesh nodes complete with food, presenters and nice
>> things. Build your own ISP. Bring an old wifi router if you have one.
>> Akron art walk will be stopping by. Doors open Noon to Midnight - 1-5 mainly
>> Andy: Trotcon in Columbus June 20th to the 22nd
>> Justin: The board meeting from yesterday’s notes will be available soon.
>>  Looking into change of IRS documents, minor changes to bylaws.  Because of
>> the lack of financial records we will be starting clean with membersip
>> dues.  As of this month all previous membership dues are forgiven.  If you
>> have prepaid contact the treasurer for credit, otherwise dues are due at
>> the end of the month as normal
>> G is our new communications officerCommunications officer
>> Mailing list being maintained by Craig, migration in progress away from
>> AWS
>> Torrie has been removed from synhak for 90days, more details in board
>> minutes.
>> A technical glitch is preventing the notes from that meeting from being
>> released, it will be sent shortly
>> *Membership:*
>> no new applications
>> *Financial:*
>> *Proposals:*
>> Phillip:
>> This is a formal Proposal to remodel and equip the space now known as the
>> Bike Shop at SYN/HAK and to purchase bike-specific and general-use tools.
>>  The project requires a lot of work, lots of tools, and some equipment to
>> actually become a functioning bicycle maintenance and repair station.  The
>> estimated cost for paint, lighting, electrical upgrades, workbenches,
>> equipment, and tools is $1100.  An in-progress list of things to buy with
>> the allocated funds is included at the end of this message.  Note that it
>> is subject to revision. The Proposal is to be funded by SYN/HAK.
>> (full text on the mailing list)
>> A working Bike Shop at SYN/HAK, with the proper tools and necessary
>> equipment, will be a valuable addition to the list of services, activities,
>> and opportunities already available at the space.  It will be an investment
>> in the future of SYN/HAK, in that it will serve as a major point of
>> interest and activity for both members and non-members.  A Bike Shop will
>> provide users with everything needed to perform bike maintenance, do
>> repairs, restore old bikes, repaint bikes, and  fabricate new bikes,
>> trikes, and carriers.  SYN/HAK will be able to provide users access to the
>> tools and equipment in the Bike Shop most any day of the week, depending on
>> the Open Hours schedule.  It will be the only Bike Shop in the Akron area
>> that is open to members and to the community at large (and free of charge)
>> that will permit all the activities needed to do maintenance, repair,
>> restoration, and fabrication on bikes, including welding, painting,
>> sand-blasting, and tube-bending.  In addition, the Bike Shop will be a new
>> area of learning that will offer one-on-one instruction by volunteers and
>> monthly classes by members or invited experts on certain weeknights and/or
>> weekends.  It will also serve as a place to accept and distribute bike
>> donations.  There are no plans to sell parts or accessories at the Bike
>> Shop or charge for any services in the name of SYN/HAK.  There are no plans
>> to charge for access to the Bike Shop for anybody.  The Bike Shop will be a
>> year-round activity point at SYN/HAK.
>> $1100 to develop a bike shop paid with synhak funds for the benefit of
>> the community
>> Justin: what do you think?
>> Angelo: Have a bunch of tools for a bike shop that I need to get rid of.
>> Some will go to summit cycling, but the others could find a home at SYNHAK.
>> Justin: As far as costs go is 1100$ reasonable?
>> Angelo: Yes I can work with that, and what is listed would cover 99.99%
>> of repairs.
>> An: A lot of these tools look like things we could need around here
>> anyways.
>> Justin: I think it is a good idea,  though I have a concern about our
>> current budget situation. Maybe table it until we are solvent.
>> Alex: We do have grand money that we could look at, but we have to keep
>> track of our financials and see if it is workable. Akron loves bikes though
>> and this is something that would be nice to bring more attention to SYNHAK.
>> We can discuss it on discuss@
>> Phillip: this is a formal proposal so I need a second from a member. I
>> would just like to open it for discussion for one week and bring it up for
>> a vote next week. Even if we don’t have the money I could still use the
>> approval to get somethings started. Time is short to get this up and going
>> because cycle season ends in September maybe October.
>> Angelo: There is no reason why you can’t have a donation can like other
>> groups do. Could be used to raise money for this.
>> Phillip: I have had complete strangers come through the door asking for a
>> few simple bike services. And have been asked if they could donate.
>> James: Would really like to start 2 classes, going through SAMS how to
>> teach yourself C in 21 days. Would like to form the free classes, however I
>> think it would be a good idea for everyone to donate a buck or two. Then go
>> through the C++ book as well. Also I’d be very interested in starting a
>> group of those interested in laser display technology. Me and craig would
>> like to start a group in speaker design and building.
>> Craig: With the idea that we could have a presentation here and use the
>> space as a venue.
>> Alex: I would like to help with the C class and we can start a class with
>> a schedule once the new mediawiki gets up.
>> James: I would be comfortable with once a week at less than 4 hours.
>> Would like to sit down with those and talk about internet service.
>> *Discussion:*
>> Andy: Grab a computer
>> Steve: Sure
>> --Meeting ends—
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