Hi all,

I wanted to see if anyone is interested in holding a class some time this
summer in order to earn an FCC Amateur Radio License.

A Technician license is the first of three licenses you can earn in amateur
radio, and lets you transmit in any mode (like FM, AM, SSB, Packet, etc)
from 29.5 MHz up. You also get to use 1500 watts of power (imagine 1500
watts wifi!) There are no age requirements or citizenship requirements. The
license is free.

The test itself consists of 35 questions, and you only need to get 80%
right to pass. The questions are about rules, basic Ohm's law circuits,
etc. (Think a Drivers Temps test)

As far as cost goes: I use a handheld that operates on VHF and UHF that
cost me about $80. However, you can build kits that cost as little as $15.
There is also extremely nice equipment that costs north of $3000.

More info available here: http://www.arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio

So what I need is if you'd be interested in attending a class to work
towards getting your technician license: let me know, and if enough people
are interested, we can set something up.


Very Respectfully,

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