Yes, I do like the 'initial' aspect of MG, but no one on our little team has any experience with it plus I am concerned about the OO skill level on the team.  Would using an OO framework like MG make up for lack of OO skills?

Just to expand a bit on what others have already stated: you can't use MG without learning OO to some extent. But if your team is at all familiar with using CFCs, they've begun to work with objects. And the whole bit of separating things into proper tiers and keeping encapsulation is something you learn as you go along. You can develop without that separation and things will work fine. Maintenance will be harder, but that's part of the learning curve.

For instance, when I built my first Mach-II app, I understood the idea of calling "listener" objects. But I aggregated both the business rules and the database code within those listeners. That's not good OO design, but it works. And I learned how to separate things better for the next project.

For me, at least, learning to use a framework that is object-oriented helped (is "still" helping) me learn OO concepts. I think that would be true for your team, too.

Besides -- what you actually have to learn to get started in MG (or Mach-II, for that matter) is not so much object orientation, but rather the use of an "event" model, and how components can be created to "listen" for "events" or "messages." You also have to learn how the framework puts events and views together. And you have to get used to the Model-View-Controller concept.

But you could construct an entire application by creating a single Controller to do everything. And within that Controller, you could place all your business logic and database code. While that's not an ideal architecture, by any means, it works. And it's not awful to build things that way while learning. Actually, it teaches you a lot.

If you download Sean Corfield's Frameworks sample code (which I believe has already been mentioned in this thread), you'll see that even Sean -- in this simple application -- aggregated a lot of stuff that he would normally separate into different components/objects. They work - but he readily states that these samples shouldn't be taken as best practices. (This is also a useful set of apps because it shows  the same app in multiple frameworks, including MG and Fusebox.)



Tom McNeer
530 Means St NW, Suite 110
Atlanta, GA 30318
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