Doug wrote: "Also wondering what will be in CF8 w/respect to this, eh?"
No telling for now, but the rumors have abounded that folks figure Adobe ought to be seeking to do some of this themselves. Even so, there is a long history in the IT world of primary vendors leaving doors open for smaller tools vendors to fill a gap. So we shall have to see how it all plays out in the long run.
Look at it another way: if one is saying, "should I buy a 3rd party tool if CF may come out with one?"  I'd say "well, sure. For one thing, they're really quite inexpensive. More important, even if CF8 came out today, would you be installing it in production today? Not likely. So get one of the tools and enjoy it for months or perhaps even years."
Hope that helps.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Douglas Knudsen
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] perf monitoring tools ( was Fwd: [ACFUG Announce] John Mason's powerpoint from last meeting now posted )

thanks charlie.  Yeah, I'm going to look at fusionreactor soon, a > 2 day trial is much better in my case, I can't resart a production instance in the middle of the day to test a tool like seefusion out under some load, eh?  Knock on some compressed wood shavings nearby, I don't have any major perf issues currently!  I have heard over on cf-talk and cf-server lists that folks have used this to get them out of some sticky performance corners lately.  The new seefusion 4 UI is certainly full of eye candy!   Real nice!   We shall see how things go.  Also wondering what will be in CF8 w/respect to this, eh?


On 8/8/06, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doug, they were not discussed (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone) but they're both free to try out (SeeFusion for longer, as it's for the first 2 hours of a run, compared to FR which is like 10 days). I've only used the former but will be trying the latter. Note that SeeFusion 4 (just out) has a much more attractive Flash-based interface.

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