The quest to be a resource or to be the first to create a blog entry should not deter you from speaking as such.  I read your entire email and it was a great refresher for me.  I shot off the quick email with the easiest tag that I knew to achieve the solution.  Now this is a bad habit that I am getting from subscribing to numerous mailing lists.

You have a knack of consolidating information and providing a complete answer on most every topic that you address.  I doubt too many would complain about how you approach your answers.

I see people get frustrated from not finding enough detail about a topic matter.  We are in a detail oriented industry.  People don't want to spend huge amounts of time to find the answers, but it is a necessity sometimes.  Even rarer still are the people who spend the time to gather resource for everyone else to read.

As long as someone learns something from your response then your effort was not wasted.

Thanks Charlie,

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