All that you are referring to is best served as a webservice as Charlie had suggested.  HTML is a very poor container for data.  CF can consume webservices created by other technologies, so the ASP aspect is not too relevant.  The only caveat to the webservice is the type of webservice whther it is SOAP or REST.  Currently, I believe CF supports SOAP only.  This may sound like gibberish, but the vendor should know that it is their responsibility to notify all the people who want to buy their products if their product is available. 

If they want to assist more resellers, it would probably serve them well to have sort of process to cover this issue.

If I was a distributor, I would offer webservices for various notifications and reseller portals to check stock inventory.  It goes in line with any commerce site question:

What do you have?
Is it available?
How long to restock?
When I can I get it?
How can you ship it?
How much does it cost?
How much is shipping and handling?
Do I need to pay tax?

You get the point.  It sounds like both parties are right and wrong.  If you reason with them on the bottom line of we want to give you more business, then one would expect expect that they should ask you, "what can we do to earn your business?"

Companies show favoritism to larger clients.  You cannot avoid this.  Good companies will sell you one cigar or 10,000 cigars and treat you the same way.  That is good business.

$.02 here.


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