If the records already exists in a database, you will need to run a stored
procedure to scrub and clean your data.  Since you are running SQL Server
2000, you can use table variables to perform this very quickly.


@firstName varchar(50)
, @maxRows int
, @currentRow int

@currentRow = 1

declare @dataSet table
rowID int identity (1, 1) primary key not null
, pkID int
 , firstName varchar(50) not null

insert into

@maxRows = count(rowID)

while @currentRow <= @maxRows

 @firstName = firstName
 , @pkID = pkID
 rowID = @currentRow

select @firstName = LTrim(RTrim(@firstName))

 firstName = @firstName
 pkID = @pkID

select @currentRow = @currentRow + 1


Kind of like that.  You can scrub full tables at a time by adding more
columns to the table variable.

On 12/22/06, Douglas Knudsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

not sure of the SLQ Server stuff, but in the CF code below you can
utilise: Trim(Replace(myString,' ','')).  Actually, looks like the code is
already using Trim(), just need to add the Replace() as above to remove
intermediate spaces.

str_Token = Replace(trim(mid(arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos,
int_NextPos - int_CurrPos)),' ','', 'All');


On 12/21/06, Ajas Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I need help on this one real quick. One of my colleauges used this
> custom CF tag which parses a tab delimited text file and stores in array.
> How do I add functionality to this code so that it would trim all the spaces
> i.e either left or right or if value sent in txt file has spaces?????
> If you understand the code , that will be great and if you could
> pinpoint me to what needs to be done, then nothing like it... Also any
> explanation of this code will help a lot.
> I tried ltrim(rtrim(colvalue)) while inserting records but it doesnt
> work in sql server 2000. Once records are inserted in table, I am not able
> to trim the records.. If you know any sql server 2000 fix for removing extra
> spaces left or right or remove extra spaces for values which are sent with
> empty tabs or spaces???
> Thanks in advance..if u cant open attachment , here is the code...
> <cfparam name="attributes.str_Filename" default="" />
> <cfparam name="attributes.str_LineDelimiter"
> default="#chr(13)##chr(10)#" />
> <cfparam name="attributes.str_TokenDelimiter" default="#chr(9)#">
> <cffunction name="TokenizeLine" returntype="array">
>     <cfargument name="str_Content" type="string" required="true" />
>     <cfargument name="str_Delimiter" type="string" required="true" />
>     <cfset var ar_Tokens = arrayNew(1) />
>     <cfset var int_CurrPos = 1 />
>     <cfset var int_NextPos = 1 />
>     <cfset var str_Token = "" />
>     <cfscript>
>         int_NextPos = REFind("#arguments.str_Delimiter#|$",
> arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos);
>         while (int_NextPos gt 0)
>         {
>             str_Token = trim(mid(arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos,
> int_NextPos - int_CurrPos));
>             arrayAppend(ar_Tokens, str_Token);
>             int_CurrPos = int_NextPos + len(arguments.str_Delimiter );
>             int_NextPos = REFind("#arguments.str_Delimiter#|$",
> arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos);
>         }
>         // If the line ends with a token, add
>         // an extra empty element to the array
>         if (len(arguments.str_Content) gt 0    and mid(
> arguments.str_Content, len(arguments.str_Content), 1) is
> arguments.str_Delimiter)
>         {
>             arrayAppend(ar_Tokens, "");
>         }
>     </cfscript>
>     <cfreturn ar_Tokens />
> </cffunction>
> <cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode is "Start">
>     <!---  Read the file and inititialize position and caller
> variables.  --->
>     <cffile action="read" file="#attributes.str_Filename#"
> variable="str_Content" />
>     <cfset int_CurrPos = 1 />
>     <cfset caller.TextParse.str_Line = "" />
>     <cfset caller.TextParse.ar_Tokens = arrayNew(1) />
> </cfif>
> <!---  Find the next delimiter. The regular expression
> "#attributes.str_LineDelimiter#|$"
>     finds the next line delimiter OR the end of the string.  --->
> <cfset int_NextPos = REFind("#attributes.str_LineDelimiter#|$",
> str_Content, int_CurrPos) />
> <cfif int_NextPos gt 0>
>     <!---  Get and return the line and tokens.  --->
>     <cfset str_Line = mid(str_Content, int_CurrPos, int_NextPos -
> int_CurrPos) />
>     <cfset caller.TextParse.str_Line = str_Line />
>     <cfset caller.TextParse.ar_Tokens = TokenizeLine(str_Line,
> attributes.str_TokenDelimiter) />
>     <!---  Reset the current position.  --->
>     <cfset int_CurrPos = int_NextPos + len(attributes.str_LineDelimiter)
> />
> </cfif>
> <cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode is "End">
>     <!---  Keep looping as long as we have content to process.  --->
>     <cfif int_NextPos gt 0>
>         <cfexit method="Loop" />
>     </cfif>
> </cfif>
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Douglas Knudsen
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<cf_payne />
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