I agree that this "TROLL" could have been a bit more polite in order to have
a better response than the ones he probably got. But it did spark my
curiosity as to what all this dynamic web programming is all about.
Im still so new and green at this that until you said "Java-interpreted Wed 
Scripting Language" I never knew what that phrase meant.


I still am wondering the pros and cons though. Maybe for contemplation,
maybe for just general knowledge.

Now it seems to me that that layers come into play here and it is all about
layers. I remember when I used to teach MCSE 4.0 tract that I spent quite a
bit of time on the OSI Model. Mostly on the Networking perspective but I
remember there were areas of it that I was cloudy on it, as I would always
be working from the physical layer. It stands to reason that there should be
some sort of layer management system in the DB to browser Application layer
of the OSI Model or something like it.

So in trying to understand this stuff I think I need to separate things
better. From the terms I have heard used in the past I assume layers kind of
lay out like this.

Scripting Language

I am sure there are more layers than this but Im trying to understand.
Once I have the layers I will try to understand what all of the technologies
I am and may work with so that I can see better what I am working with. This
will help me make decisions in the future on how to grown my skills,
decisions, and applications in the future.

Thanks again.

Robert Reil

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Fore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:24 PM
To: Carbs Sales&Service
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF vs Velocity

On 1/21/07, Robert Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AbleCommerce CFMX5.5 uses Jakarta Velocity to manage dynamic email
> generation. I have bought 2 books on Velocity and done much searching
> Velocity on the net and the more I read I find that it may be an
> application language to CF.

You're correct. Velocity is a Java-interpreted web scripting language
similar to CF.

> With all that my mind asks the question...
> Could Struts and Velocity do the same job?

Sure. Struts is an Java-based application framework, analagous to
Fusebox or Mach II or Model-Glue.

> And if you are on MX, and are using Java, why use CF at all? Just move
> to a struts/Velocity/Servlet framework and do away with the crap called
> ColdFusion.

What you've stumbled upon is politely called a "troll". Both because
he's ugly and because the behavior is much like a fisherman in a bass
boat moving slowly across a lake trying to get a bite on their line.
Notice the name he signed the post with: "I Hate CF". Such people are
not to be taken seriously when they offer advice.

>From a more pragmatic point of view, yes, Struts and Velocity could
most likely do the same job, as could half-a-dozen or more other
frameworks. The question you have to answer is which is best for you.
If you have the budget to hire some programmers fluent in the
framework in question, then you can debate the merits of the
framework. If you don't and you're going to be doing the coding
yourself, then you should poke around at Java some and see if you seem
more at home than in CF. My bet is that you're better off in CF.

"Gliddy glub gloopy / Nibby nabby noopy / La la la lo lo / Sabba sibby
sabba / Nooby abba nabba / Le le lo lo / Tooby ooby walla / Nooby abba
naba / Early morning singing song" - Good Morning Starshine

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