Yes, what you're suggesting is a good idea, however, I would go a bit further and place both Reason_Text and State in that first custom field by simply delimiting the data. Change the search page so that if the user chooses a state other than all, the following would be added to your Verity query:
custom1 CONTAINS [state]
(Depending on the value of Reason_Text, you may get too many hits and you can resolve that by including the delimiter char in the search (you may have to escape it) or query of query or something).
: Hi,
:     I have CF application which I have designed using verity search feature.

: Overview :
: The search application lets user search data in tables based of keywords and
:  the  user could also filter  by state or just say ALL ie. all states. I can
:  get results when search is based of  ALL STATES since I dont have to do
:  anything apart from displaying results from the collection. The issue is when
:  user searches by a  particular state(only one state at a time is allowed at
:  this time in appl). I need to somehow filter the results in the collection
:  based of the  state selected by theuser. Any suggestions would be great. I
:  need some ideas. Look at code below and code marked with my comment in red.
:  Is it a good idea ?

: Here is the code just in case :
: Code for Collection
: <!--- Retrieve all StateRegs to be searched --->
: <cfquery name="GetStateRegs" datasource="#client.dbname#">
: SELECT reg.Reg_ID, elig.Eligibility_No, note.Note_No, reas.Reason_No,
:  reg.Reg_Name ,
:        reg.State,reg.MaxDuration,   reg.Concurrent_Policies, reg.Link,
:        elig.Eligibility_Text, reas.Reason_Text, note.Note_Text
: FROM (( (Regulations reg left outer join Reason reas ON reg.Reg_ID =
:  reas.Reason_Reg_ID )
:     left outer join Eligibility elig on reg.Reg_ID = elig.Elig_Reg_ID )
:     left outer JOIN Notes note on reg.Reg_ID = note.Note_Reg_ID )
: WHERE reg.Country = US
: ORDER BY 1,4,2,3
: </cfquery>

: <!--- Build 'custom' index on query result above --->
: <cfindex action=""
: collection="StateRegs"
: key= "Reg_ID"
: type="custom"
: title="Reg_Name"
: query="GetStateRegs"
: body="Reg_Name,MaxDuration,Eligibility_Text,Reason_Text,Note_Text"
: custom1="Reason_Text" <<<<-- Shall I use State over here
: custom2="Eligibility_Text"
: custom3="Reason_No"
: custom4="Eligibility_No">

: Let me know if you need any more input from my side.

: Thanks,
: --
: <Ajas Mohammed />
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Mischa Uppelschoten
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----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: "Ajas Mohammed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 10:36:34 -0500
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CF application using verity
    I have CF application which I have designed using verity search feature.

Overview :
The search application lets user search data in tables based of keywords and the  user could also filter by state or just say ALL ie. all states. I can get results when search is based of ALL STATES since I dont have to do anything apart from displaying results from the collection. The issue is when user searches by a particular state(only one state at a time is allowed at this time in appl). I need to somehow filter the results in the collection based of the state selected by the user. Any suggestions would be great. I need some ideas. Look at code below and code marked with my comment in red. Is it a good idea ?

Here is the code just in case :
Code for Collection
<!--- Retrieve all StateRegs to be searched --->
<cfquery name="GetStateRegs" datasource="#client.dbname#">
SELECT reg.Reg_ID, elig.Eligibility_No, note.Note_No, reas.Reason_No, reg.Reg_Name ,
       reg.State,reg.MaxDuration,   reg.Concurrent_Policies, reg.Link,
       elig.Eligibility_Text, reas.Reason_Text, note.Note_Text
FROM (( (Regulations reg left outer join Reason reas ON reg.Reg_ID = reas.Reason_Reg_ID )
    left outer join Eligibility elig on reg.Reg_ID = elig.Elig_Reg_ID )
    left outer JOIN Notes note on reg.Reg_ID = note.Note_Reg_ID )
WHERE reg.Country = 'US'
ORDER BY 1,4,2,3

<!--- Build 'custom' index on query result above --->
<cfindex action=""
key= "Reg_ID"
custom1="Reason_Text" <<<< -- Shall I use State over here

Let me know if you need any more input from my side.

<Ajas Mohammed />
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