I'm with you. If you are confident in your code, don't stress. But keep watching logs and seeing what's happening.

Curious... do you guys see the probes originating from the same group of IPs?


Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
"Dissent is the purest form of patriotism."
    --Thomas Jefferson

On Aug 2, 2007, at 7:12 PM, shawn gorrell wrote:

Funny that you mention this. I've been seeing it a lot over the last few days as well. The "user" thing in particular I saw multiple times today.

I guess you'll have to make the block decision based on the IPs. If the bulk are coming from one of the Asia blocks (as many do when trying that crap on my sites) and your customer base isn't part of that, block the whole damn thing at the firewall. But it's tricker if the IPs are in the same range as your customer base.

I kind of feel like if your code is solid that I wouldn't get too tweaked over it. But I'm no security guru, so I'd like to see what Dean has to say about it.

----- Original Message ----
From: Cheyenne Throckmorton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: discussion@acfug.org
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2007 6:45:51 PM
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] URL hackers

Over the past few days I've noticed some rudimentary attempts to do some SQL injection type attacks over the URL string on a few of our sites.

The stuff I'm getting is your typical '1=1 and user>0' type stuff added to the end of URLs. Looks almost like they may be using Google to hack for possible vulnerable strings in CFML sites. I know this has been very popular with .asp pages, maybe they are moving onto .cfm now as well.

In any case, I am double checking our security and think we are fine, still, not having encountered this, I was wondering what some of you all might do in similar instances.

I am noticing the attacks are coming to several of our sites from the same group of IP addresses. Is there a place to report this type of activity? Should you just shut off access entirely for these IPs? I know the worst problems with hackers is that once they are in, they are really tough to get rid of, but at the same time I'd hate to cut off access to a group of IPs if say it was like Comcast customers and not the RowandanNationalGreatDeals.com or something.


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