Apologies for my ignorance on several points:

First, is the method I'm using here (copying each reply one-by-one into a new 
message addressed to discussion@acfug.org) the simplest way to do this? I have 
very little experience with group e-mails, including what in the university 
environment (where I spent most of the last 5 years) are called 'lists' (if 
this is one). So is there a simpler way? I presume that if I just hit 'reply' 
on each message, then only the person who sent it to me will receive my reply, 

Second, in response to Clarke's suggestion, which says:

>I did something similar to this recently(Load a PDF into a CFWINDOW), >and I 
>had to create an HTML file for the cfwindow. The HTML file then >had 
>areference to the PDF.

Okay, if I understand you, the <cfwindow> source attribute will say, e.g., = 
myPDF_Loader.htm, and the html page will 'reference the PDF'? But how will it 
do that? All I can think at the moment (out of practice, sorry) would be an 
href anchor to the PDF, whose click event I could fire with an onload attached 
to the <body> tag. I haven't tried it but I suppose it would work. Is that what 
you have in mind?

Third, in response to Douglas's suggestion, which says:

>IIRC, CFWINDOW uses a DIV.  You'd need say a iFrame to display a PDF inline, 

What does IIRC stand for? And what's an 'iFrame'? I presume you don't mean a 
<frameset>, right? To further reveal my ignorance, I thought that a <DIV> is 
for what's NOT inline, in contrast to a <SPAN>, is that not right? And my 
window would NOT be inline, would it?

Fourth, in response to Mark's suggestion, which says:

>I think you can use embed/object html tags just like you would with a swf. 
>something like this...
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" WIDTH=450 
HEIGHT=580 ID=pdf1> 
 <PARAM NAME="SRC" VALUE="my.pdf">
 <EMBED src="my.pdf" width="450" height="580"></EMBED>

That looks daunting, since I've written only a few COM objects in my time, and 
only in Visual Basic. What would the code in the object say?

Needless to say, anyone other that the three who've responded so far is welcome 
to add their wisdom!

I suppose I could just go with a javascript window.open... but the <cfdiv> 
would be so much cooler since its interface would match the rest of my complex 

Thanks for your help,

P.S. I have another problem I'll ask ACFUG members about in a moment, one which 
may correspond to a grave shortcoming in the DOM model. I can't believe it 
doesn't have a simple answer, though... 

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