Also, Sean, do you point your folks to tools that can clean up HTML (and
CFML) formatting, such as are in CFStudio, HomeSite, DW, and Eclipse? 
For CFStudio/HomeSite, we have "tools>codesweeper". Sadly, it has (at least)
one implementation flaw: its changes can't be undone. In an editor with undo
functionality, that's just silly. So some may be reluctant to use it--which
could contribute to the problem you see. When I use it, I copy off the old
code to a new window, so that if I really don't like what the codesweeper
does, I can undo it.
And then not everyone will agree that the results are good (which may depend
as much on the code with which you start, and if you have some "style" you
already use that it "messes up".) I don't think any tool will be considered
perfect for all.
In DW, we have "Commands>Apply Source Formatting", which some seem to like
(some even talk about going out of Eclipse and into DW just to use it to
cleanup some code they inherited). Now, some may not care for its default
behavior: which removes blank lines between tags, and replaces indenting
tabs with spaces. Again, whether you will like that depends on your
preferred "style". But here's good news: you can tweak some of that in
Edit>Preferences>Code Format. You can also tell if it you want tags and
attributes to be upper or lower case, and whether it should change those in
existing code (since these preferences apply both to coding as you type and
when using the "apply source formatting"). Just note that you may need to
restart DW for such changed preferences to take effect (at least I did in
DW even offers the option to control formatting of individual tags--HTML,
CFML, and more--in the available "tag library editor", offered as a link on
the code format page, or via edit>tag libraries. For instance, it doesn't
indent SQL within CFQUERY, though that's offered as an option when editing
its (and any) tag configuration. Still, I changed it and find that it still
doesn't indent SQL within CFQUERY, even after a restart, and whether when
entering new code or using "apply source formatting"). That could be a
show-stopper for some, but maybe someone knows an answer to this.
Best of all perhaps (about DW's "Apply Source Formatting") is that at least
it can be "undone"! :-)
What about Eclipse? Well, there's htmltidy
( which, while an open-source command
line tool, is also available as an eclipse plug-in
(, and it seems that does the trick for
many.  There may be others.
Hope that's helpful to some. I'd like to see any thoughts in reply, and then
I'll blog the results.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cameron
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 10:35 AM
Subject: Code examples (Was: [ACFUG Discuss] Hosted Bug Tracking Solutions?)


Two things... 

One, you may want to show the dev team the coding standards up on Livedocs.
These are some coding standards the web team at Adobe came up with a few
years ago.  These are not officially sanctioned by Adobe, just standards
they used internally for some project.

Second - for some good code examples, I'd check out some of the CF projects
the site for good code examples.  They certainly aren't all
perfect, but there are plenty of good examples up there.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 6:52 PM, sharrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey guys,


You know, I'm not in Atlanta, so I mostly read the list as opposed to post,
but I need to post something today. After yet another long slog through
someone else's unformatted, unindented, uncommented code, I'm wondering why
CFML, in general, still looks like crap. Does anyone else take the time to
properly format and comment code? Across entire applications, as a paradigm,
as opposed to only doing it in a udf or someplace to demonstrate their
cleverness? I'm guessing the CFML glitterati in ATL probably do it a lot
more than other places - I can tell you, in Nashville, it's an


Of course, they're still not making much progress in their ongoing study of
the <CFQuery> tag here, so what did I expect. I sure miss Atlanta!


If anyone would care to email me some code samples of typical work that you
feel is quality (In other words, looks like a programmer wrote it, as
opposed to a WYSIWYG editor or some college kid doing web pages on dad's
computer at night), I'd love to see it. I'm old and crotchety now (I was a
young man when dbml.exe was floating around, and you could call Ben Freuh at
his desk to complain about stuff), so I'm a bit of a snob about code
formatting, but I'd love to know that I'm not the only one!


Hope you guys are doing well over there in ATL!


W. Sean Harrison
Founder, CTO
ALIENetworks LLC
105 1/2 Main St
Smyrna, TN 37167
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