
I noticed this in my form submission and dont know why cfinput with
validation would show date as *{d '2009-02-12'} *whereas regular input would
show same value as* 02/12/2009* . See code below :

<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="thisrow">

<cfinput type="text" name="absence_date#thisrow#" size="10" value=""
validate="date" validateat="onBlur,onSubmit,onServer" message="You have
entered an invalid date. Date's should be in this format MM/DD/YYYY or

<input type="text" name="absence_date_txtbox_#thisrow#" size="10" value="">


so in this form, i entered 02/12/2009 in both the textboxes and i get weird

Any ideas??? I am I missing something obvious here???

<Ajas Mohammed />
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