Ajas, it seems your use of the init is fine. It's just that if you want to
call the constructor, you have to use init (and you can't have a real method
of that name within the java class). You pass whatever arguments you want to
call the appropriate constructor, and it should just work (whether you use
CFOBJECT or createobject to create the instance). It's just that if you do
NOT use init, then CF will otherwise call the default constructor when the
first method is executed (which may seem odd, if one thinks that it's
CFOBJECT or createobject that "actually creates the instance".)


As for your challenge, I wonder if there's more info available from the
error than you're showing (or being given). Is this error message coming
from error handling (cftry, cferror, onerror, etc)? If so, are you
outputting all the available details? There are all kinds of things that
could cause an "Object Instantiation Exception". For instance, if you named
a class that didn't exist, you would get this: "An exception occurred when
instantiating a Java object. The class must not be an interface or an
abstract class."


I'll add that if you gave an invalid argument type for the constructor, that
would get a different error, as would passing in arguments that don't match
any constructor.


If anyone ever wants to learn more about calling Java within CFML (which was
in fact the first talk I ever gave to the ACFUG, back in Oct 2001), you can
find more in the CF docs (I nthe Developer's Guide), such as the section
starting here in the CF8 docs:


Ajas, let us know if any of the above helps.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 2:46 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 7 java Object Instantiation Exception. Perhaps
init issue here?


Hi there,

I am getting an error(code in red) Object Instantiation Exception. I believe
it has to do with init call because i remember CF's init is different from
Java's style of callling constructors.

Can anybody recommend an alternative ? FYI, if i remove code in red till the
end and I do print values of other variables like docElement and
SignatureSpecNS, then I can see there values. If you need any further
information, let me know.


xmlResponse= tokenXML; // this is full xml stored in variable here

docElement= XmlParse(variables.xmlResponse).getDocumentElement();



xmlSignatureClass =

xmlSignature =
gnature").item(0),""); // this lines gives error. see details below
//Exceptions 13:00:53.053 - Object Exception - in **** line 85    Object
Instantiation Exception.


X509CertificateResolverCN =



x509cert = keyInfo.getX509Certificate();



<Ajas Mohammed />
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