
Cookies can only be set and read by a single domain. If you want to
pass the data to a second site, I'd suggest URL parameters.

On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, Clarke Bishop <> wrote:
> I am trying to pass a cookie from my site into a shopping cart
> on another site. It seems like this would be possible:
> 1.
> Use <cfcookie name = "myCookie" value = "#myCookieVal#"
> expires = "30" domain="">
> 2.
> Do a cflocation to the other server
> 3.
> Then, read the cookie with Javascript once the browser goes to
> I’m also setting the cookie without the domain attribute
> so I can see it on my server.  On my server, I can read the cookie, so I
> know it’s getting set. But, I can’t read the cookie from the other
> server. I’m using a Javascript alert to dump out the entire
> document.cookie string, and my cookie is not there!
> The other server is secure (https).
> Any ideas what might be going on? Am I mis-using cfcookie?
> Thanks for your help!
>    Clarke
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Howard Fore,
"The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it." - Jeff Atwood

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