Ajas, while you await Derrick's reply, I'll point out that the details for
how to purge database-driven CF client variable repositories is indeed
documented, but only in a technote:


As for FR helping you see the time being spent per request and that things
are spiking, it is indeed a great tool for that. Note as well that if you
enable the JDBC wrapping for the DSNs that are set to be client var repos,
you will also have in FR's logs the details of every SQL statement and how
often thy are happening. If the problem is what I suspect, you will find
that there are requests to read and write to these DBs on EVERY request (at
least every request to an app that has clientmanagement enabled, again more
in the resources I pointed to), which could be devastating to performance
(I should add that SeeFusion and the CF 8/9 Server Monitor could also help
in different ways in identifying this information also.)

Certainly if there is no index on the key columns in CData and/or CGlobals,
that could exacerbate the problem. You're almost there. 

But even with the purging and improved indexing, you should still check out
the resources I shared: you may instead be able to resolve the root cause
for why there's so much I/O to these client var repos in the first place. It
may not be because of client variable usage you intend. Also, for any
reading this, if you would go "phew, well we don't use client variables",
don't be so quick to be relieved. Again, as I discuss in the other
resources, it could hurt you even if you never ever say cfset client.somevar
= someval. Again, too much to explain in email. See the resources if you're



From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 10:35 AM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Ideal memory & Configuration for CF Production


Derrick, do you mind sharing the script or logic off the list?

I installed FusionReactor and here is what I have found so far.

Some pages are taking 8-25 seconds. Found out that there are bad indexes. 

Here are the stats
Average Request Time (ms)    248
Used Memory (KB)    (12%) 62,903
Allocated Memory (KB)    73,792
Maximum memory (KB)    504,896
Free memory (KB)    441,992

So looks like memory is not an issue. Then I checked CPU usage as well and
CPU also doesnt spike up meaning its the calls to database which is causing
issues so far.

I will keep you all updated on this and my journey with FusionReactor.


<Ajas Mohammed />


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