I would also echo Dawn's feedback. I have been on both sides of the fence
with different companies regarding SQL's overall role in app dev. Where I
am at now, we're very SQL-heavy, and employ a lot of views & procs vs a
separate DAO layer within CFCs or query heavy templates. I like this method
personally. It utilizes SQL well and it also provides direct access for
those who need to work on the reporting or data analysis side -- vs, those
folks having to dig through CF templates to figure out what's going on from
a data perspective.

Also on the subject of SQL in general, I wanted to mention  Redgate's SQL
Developer Bundle for managing deployments within MS SQL. These tools have
been a godsend for us for managing SQL in source control, pushing new db
object changes to production, etc. While they are pricey, I highly
recommend these tools.

-Steve Duys

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Dawn Hoagland <dawnhoagl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> My 2 cents.....
> I've seen more poorly put together Hibernate implementations than I can
> count.  If you don't REALLY know the data, how it's put together, how it's
> used and keep the objects updated, Hibernate will automatically generate
> the worst path imaginable to get the data you need.  I've also seen more
> developers who couldn't write an efficient SQL Query if their life depended
> on it.....
> Some implementations may REQUIRE stored procedures for efficiency.
> Study ALL of the tools available including their strengths and weaknesses
> and choose the proper tool for the solution.  I've written a lot of all 3.
>  If I could ONLY choose one method (and there have been instances of that)
> - stored procs are the most versatile.  Just like anything else, the source
> should be in source control.  It's no different than putting a process in
> place for any other code.  You just do it.
> --Dawn
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 9:58 AM, MCG <mger...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Let me add, no DBA here at all.  So same guys updating stored proc and
>> code.  So we are making the assumption that they have the same skills to
>> update things (which may or may not be true); the code from what I
>> understand is MVC-ish.  Didn't realize that stored procs were cached as
>> well.  It sounds like it boils down to 'it depends'.  I'm partial to views,
>> namely because my back end, deep down skills are weaker.  And access is
>> just easier.  You only have to write a funky query once.  Do not fear the
>> outer join!   :)
>> mcg
>> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Bill Brock <bbr...@tech-projects.com>wrote:
>>> Mary-Catherine,****
>>> ** **
>>> I’m with Jason, for the most part, and would only add these notes for
>>> whatever it is worth:****
>>> ** **
>>> **·         **Stored procedures do cache their execution plans, and
>>> that can lead to greater efficiency.****
>>> **·         **Stored procedures are a nice way of separating church and
>>> state for the DBA’s****
>>> **·         **In-line SQL is part of the beauty of ColdFusion, and is
>>> optimal for testing and is also fine, in my opinion, for production as long
>>> as parameters are consistently wrapped in queryparams.  For everyone
>>> except the DBAs, in line is probably preferable.  It is certainly
>>> easier to edit / maintain, as well as to read (ie, you can figure out what
>>> your query is doing without having to go open another file)****
>>> **·         **Nothing beats the MVC framework in the long run for
>>> consistent application structure and for the incredible flexibility (think
>>> model callbacks) offered via ORM.****
>>> ** **
>>> Best wishes,****
>>> Bill****
>>> ** **
>>> ===================================****
>>> *Bill Brock*
>>> *Technology Projects*****
>>> 1014 Dallas Road, Suite 102****
>>> Chattanooga, TN 37405****
>>> p 423.267.7375****
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] *On Behalf Of *Jason
>>> Delmore
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2013 11:15 AM
>>> *To:* discussion@acfug.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] SQL Server Question****
>>> ** **
>>> I don't think there is anything wrong with using stored procs over
>>> inline SQL to retrieve data.  However, in my view of the world this is
>>> application behavior and not reporting.  Application behavior should be
>>> modeled in objects and the best way is to use persistent components
>>> (Hibernate/ORM.)****
>>> ** **
>>> The code would then look like****
>>> claim = entityload("claim", {claimid=1234});****
>>> documents = claim.getDocuments();  //  this uses ORM to generate SQL
>>> that really just does select * from documents where claimid=1234****
>>> document = documents[1];****
>>> formfields = document.getFormFields();****
>>> ** **
>>> IMHO, there is no value of inline SQL over stored procs other than
>>> perhaps that people seem to do a poor job of version control on stored
>>> procs.  An additional benefit of a stored proc is that database guys will
>>> go in and review and tune a stored proc, but are unlikely to go and edit
>>> inline SQL as that falls in the application space.  I would say leave your
>>> stored proc alone unless you are going to go all the way to ORM.****
>>> ** **
>>> But... that is just my view of the world.****
>>> ** **
>>> Jason****
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:43 AM, MCG <mger...@gmail.com> wrote:****
>>> Yes it's been a while, but I've gotten pulled into database design, and
>>> this group has always been the best place to turn to for technical
>>> knowledge.
>>> The team here inherited a crap database, over 200+ tables for an
>>> unexciting claim system, and is now adding new features.  Yes, views are
>>> better than straight SQL in the code in the case of many tables for your
>>> query.  Maybe I've just been out of the game, but the team is using stored
>>> procedures to build queries to output data on a page, which seems odd to
>>> me.  Maybe it is fear of the outer join, unions, subqueries.  ****
>>> But do I have a case for pushing the funky view SQL versus running
>>> stored procedures?  The case here is nothing exceptional, we are getting
>>> data for the list of all documents related to a claim and then the one
>>> record for form fields for a single document for a claim.****
>>> Thanks!
>>> Mary-Catherine****
>>> ** **
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> --
> Dawn

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