This is a big change for our groups but necessary as the industry evolves.
 I hope we see quite a few folks out for the Lightning Talks, especially
speaking.  These talks will be a good way to help evolve the direction of
the group.  If you have done anything this month with a jQuery module, CSS
framework, CMS, CF, Flex, Flash, iOS, etc etc then you have a 10 minute
talk even if you have no slides or examples, just come up and say "Hey,
I've been working with this and this is how it helped me as a web

This is a big change for the group and I commend John and the other board
members of other groups on all that he has done in the past and has been
doing to lead this new direction.  We still have our roots in the original
technologies but just like Adobe is doing in re-defining their markets its
good for us to re-define the role of the our user group community in
Atlanta helping us to keep up with the times.  Looking forward to seeing a
diverse range of folks from the past present and future out there next week.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:33 AM, John Mason <> wrote:

> Ok, here's some very big news.
> The old Flex user group and our ACFUG group have now merge to form the
> Atlanta Web Technology Group!
> In an effort to stay current with the changes in the industry, we felt it
> was time to retool the group to hit a wider audience. We will still have
> topics and discussion on CF, but we can now also include a wider range of
> topics.
> The first meeting is next week, Wednesday Sept 4 and will be a Lightning
> Talk, so anything goes as long as it relates to web or mobile technologies.
> These are short and simple 10 minute presentations. Feel free to contact me
> if you would like to present a topic.
> If you were a member of the old Atlanta Flex group, you have already
> received a couple of emails on the changes. There's nothing more you need
> to do. If you weren't a member of the Flex group, then we need you to join
> up the newly formed group to keep receiving the meeting notifications and
> TechLunch announcements. So please take a minute and join the new group at..
>**AtlantaWTG <>
> Additional changes will be coming, but this is it for now. Hope everyone
> is as excited as I am in this new direction.
> thanks,
> John
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