Thanks Charlie:

This is very useful. I should switch to the CF Express edition and see if those 
freezes stop.

 From: Charlie Arehart <>
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Builder freezes abruptly

Well, start by looking at the list of what features ARE only in the paid 

How many of those do you (I mean, “you all”, rhetorically) use?

One may go down the list and say “well, only a few of the 14 listed paid-only 
features seem interesting to me”.

OK, but so many people using CFB never setup a server connection (or don’t get 
it working right), whether it’s a remote server or even just their local 
development server. Perhaps half the real benefits of CFB (over other editors) 
are related to its getting info from the CF server, whether about code insight 
to access CFC methods and db tables/cols, as well as files that are accessible 
only using admin mappings, and so on. 

Then many other features are only really helpful if they can have access to all 
files on the server, not just necessarily those in a specific project, like the 
code hyperlinking (where you ctrl-hover over a file and it opens, which only 
works for files in the current directory or web-relative paths if you don’t 
have a server connection), the refactoring and quick-fix features, searching 
files on the server, the log viewing (viewing logs on the server within the 
IDE, using the Tail View), and more. 

Then there’s also the step debugger (but I know some will never use one, or 
many struggle to get it to work, because again it requires connection to the 
server, even if that’s “local”).

There are more, but you asked for “some”. Since you asked, Scott, are any of 
those things that you feel you have missed, or that others you see using it may 
have? :-)
/charlie [] On Behalf Of Scott Dowling
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Builder freezes abruptly
Mind pointing out some of the over looked features in the pay version?

Scott Dowling
(615) 260-9549
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Charlie Arehart <> wrote:
I didn’t see anyone mention it: Troy, did you know CFBuilder has a free 
edition? It’s called CFBuilder Express. While it withholds things from the paid 
version, I find that many people never ever use a lot of those things so won’t 
miss them. That said, it’s a shame that so many do miss those features. They’re 
what make CFB standout as a true IDE as compared to other editors. 

/charlie [] On Behalf Of troy
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 9:36 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] ColdFusion Builder freezes abruptly
That’s been my experience with it for the most part as well, Cameron. I used CF 
Builder 2 for some time at my last job and just found that there were too many 
“foibles” to want to invest in it when moving to my current job. I am back to 
using the free IDE that I started with many years ago that has a few problems, 
but it’s free.
That said, I’d love to see the product become more reliable and more reasonably 
priced as I’d consider using it again with those caveats.
Thank you,
Troy Jones
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