Re-posting the below, which ended up on the wrong mailing list:


I don't know if it's okay if I add my five cents (adjusted for
inflation), but I'm reasonably well-read on this and adjacent topics, as
well as included in the list of minorities that would be sponsored under
the Outreachy program.

But I am unequivocally against such programs, on the simple grounds that
it tries to combat discrimination _through_ discrimination, which is
about as silly to me as trying to achieve world peace through war.  It
generates envy/antipathy in individuals from groups that are excluded
from the given list of minorities, and it generates imposter syndrome in
those who are, because they might only be hired/accepted because of
their status as minority, rather than excelling in their skillset.

I would be very against getting involved in this program, though I know
that the FSFE currently practises positive discrmination selection
standards for its internship program:

> We want more women to be involved in Free Software. That's why we will
> give preference to applications from suitably qualified female
> candidates.


I'd personally be a little bit disappointed if this carried any
significance in my being selected as intern, because I do believe that I
can hold my own with my unique skillset.

On Thursday, 31 August 2017 13:43:59 CEST Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Increasing diversity could also help avoid situations like this in
> future.

I don't know if there is any evidence to suggest this.  Where there are
humans, things sometimes go awry.  Having a more ethnically/sexually
diverse cast of humans doesn't change that.

Be that as it may, I don't aim to change any hearts or minds.  I just
wanted to add my couple of cents.

Yours sincerely,

Carmen Bianca Bakker
Technical Intern
Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.

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