On 22/01/18 12:59, David Rabel wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'm not sure if I understand perfectly what you are looking for.
> I know there is (was?) a group called osdomotics, mainly from austria,
> aiming to push forward home automation solutions built on free/open
> technology. http://osdwiki.open-entry.com/doku.php/:en:start
> We built a heating control based on free components, you may want to
> have a look at it: https://noresoft.com/heating_control_en.html
> Unfortunately it never got further than that prototype.

Thanks for that feedback

Do solutions like this work with any boiler, or is it necessary to
select a boiler with a specific interface to support such devices?

I looked at several of the links in replies on this thread and couldn't
find any recommendations for choosing a boiler or checking compatibility.


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