On 28/08/18 09:27, Bernhard E. Reiter wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Am Dienstag 28 August 2018 09:25:08 schrieb Daniel Pocock:
>> When council included a motion in the agenda of the extraordinary
>> general meeting calling for the immediate termination of my membership,
>> that was not "being excellent to each other".
> any organisation(+) reserves the right to exclude members that heavily 
> obstruct the way it works. There is a point where this has to be done just so 
> that people can go seperate ways. 

I would agree with that, but normally that involves a process of
mediation and then a specific communication with the member about it. 
The FSFE constitution requires a member  be given a reason for exclusion
and an opportunity to appeal.  Those processes were not followed.  What
happened in May smells more like a conspiracy of kindergarten children
trying to kick somebody out of the playground.

It was attempted in a very underhanded and juvenile manner, an
administrative motion tacked onto the last page of a 9 page notice
(attached), reading "The current Fellowship representatives' membership
ends immediately after the this extraordinary General Assembly."  Some
people didn't even notice it was buried in the document, some people
felt it wasn't intended to be noticed.  When I asked council to explain
it before the meeting, they gave no explanation or response.

In cricket terms, this is underarm bowling but then it just isn't
cricket, is it?  It isn't sportsmanlike.

On a personal level, this is behaviour that is poisonous.  It is cruel
and disrespectful in so many ways.  I'm calling this out not only for
myself, but for any situation where there may actually be a legitimate
reason to exclude a member, it should not be forgotten that the person
is a human being and they should be treated like one.

I understand there are some cultural differences in Germany and maybe
that explains some autocratic and impersonal tendencies but in this
case, I just don't see how Matthias and the rest of the executive could
not understand that this motion was toxic.  What's more, FSFE is an
organization that relies heavily on a volunteer community so treating
any one member of the community this badly suggests those in leadership
are not qualified for their roles.

If people had differences of opinion with me, there have been many
opportunities to discuss that with me at events but for the record, I'd
like to make it clear no other member ever did so.

However, even though I agree with you for the general case that a member
may need to be excluded from time to time, in this case we are talking
about an elected representative.  Only the most serious grounds, such as
criminality, should be reason to recall an elected representative and
even then it should be a decision for fellows, not a group of 9 members
of FSFE e.V., almost half of them staff, at a clandestine meeting in
Berlin on a Saturday.

Also, it is not correct to moan about a democratically elected
representative "obstructing" anything: it is their responsibility to
speak up.  An elected representative would have no reason to exist
otherwise, would they?  It seems some of the FSFE staff want the
representative to be a cheerleader who pats them on the back when they
do something good and keeps their mouth shut about everything else.  If
fellows wanted a puppet like that, they made a mistake voting for me.

What your email also suggests is that some people did see the motion as
a way to attack me personally, not just as an administrative side effect
of the constitutional change.  That is really chilling stuff for an
organization that promised democracy to the community and raised
hundreds of thousands of Euros from fellows who believed in that democracy.

>> Council has unleashed this poison into the community and only the
>> president can drag us out of that by resigning. 
> It would be unhelpful for a president that is supported by the majority
> of e.V. members to resign. Matthias is doing very good work for Free Software 
> and FSFE, in my eyes.

So why is FSFE afraid to allow the full community to vote for president
or allow anybody from the community to nominate for the role of president?

I am not seeking to nominate myself either but I have to ask, even if
Matthias is a good president, can we be certain that any of the 1500
fellows might also be equally good or even better at the job?

> Unfortunately I feel that many of your inputs over the last months have been 
> overly bureaucratic and in cases unrespectful about other people within FSFE 
> and their work. So it maybe better if you would leave FSFE.

Could that simply be an inevitable reflection of the way things were
done at the extraordinary meeting in May and the persistently bad
behaviour towards the fellowship before that?

Ever since the week after I was elected fellowship representative people
have been talking about eliminating the elections.  How could anybody
feel welcome in that environment?

As I wrote in my original email, I am reviewing the effort I would
contribute to FSFE after my term as fellowship representative finishes. 
I also thought about resigning from the position of fellowship
representative as I don't want to perpetuate this shallow imitation of
democracy, but as there is no way for somebody to replace me, I feel a
duty to see out the term for the benefit of those people who don't have
a voice in our general meetings or don't even get invited.



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