On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 7:42 AM Bernhard E. Reiter <bernh...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> please read the exchange again and look at the quotes,
> I was asking what ostend...@gmail.com meant by quoting from an HTML mail
> by
> matthias.ha...@zoho.eu.
> BTW: as both email addresses have no direct hits on an internet search
> engine,
> they strongly support your points and they have similiarities in writing
> styles, I'm just asking you directly: What is your connection to these
> email
> addresses?
I cannot believe that an organization like FSFE has a little minded people
like you Bernhard. Yes I am talking to you with the specific tone and
directly because you are the disgrace of Free Software and the community.
Otherwise you will have not written such a shameful insinuation. If you
have had just googled, for the sake of your intelligence, my name, you will
have seen that that email is associated to my name.

The fact that I do not write often in this list does not give me less
entitlements and gives you more etc. I am the supporter of Free Software
and the community and I promote both equally for more than 2 decades.

I pay the community and the organization for which you work for and you are
paid for, you and your president Matthias. You don't pay me but I do pay

Therefore I believe I have more entitlements then you do and if I demand
explanation and the intervention of the legal representative, which is the
president, that person either have to show up or it has to go away.Because
I am not in the mood to allow such person to represent free software and
the community.

I am sick of receiving your emails and you speaking on behalf of Matthias.
In the community like Free Software there is no space for ass kissers.

Shame on you.

Go home all of you.
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