
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 2:59 PM Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> wrote:

> If anybody is sick of all the lynchings and gangster behaviour ...

Re the lynching of rms, I just wanted to post this here - written elsewhere
in response to someone's assertion that real women who have tried to
participate in free software have been rebuffed by sexist behaviour.

I must tell you that I wrote GNU C-Graph at rms' suggestion. I had just
written the solutions to an entire book in C followed by my software
package "NAILS" in Lisp. RMS saw my passion for electrical engineering,
computer science and my complete immersion in writing code to represent
concepts in artificial intelligence and engineering mathematics. He has
always treated me as an equal.

Hackers are inseparable from their humour. It is part of the hacker mindset
that makes us tick. RMS is no more sexist that any other man I know -
especially in engineering and computer science where sexism abounds. I call
out sexism when I see it's necessary. The notion that rms is a misogynist,
as claimed by others, is false.

How can one person's desire to write code be rebuffed by another's
behaviour, sexist or otherwise?

Time will show that it was a much, much more than a major "gaffe" by the
FSF to call for his resignation based on a lie. There is a price to be paid
for this mercenary attack on Free Software and its architect - purportedly
executed in the name of "diversity".

Freedom - no pane, all gaiGN!

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