On 16/10/2019 12:00, Anco Dapo wrote:
> Daniel,
>  all you have are emails you decorated with images and lists of subject 
> lines, but nothing about the content.

The subject lines you mention[1] make the point.

In many cases, I deliberately obscure names because these are not
personal issues with people, it is an organization behaving badly[2] and
I'd like to minimize the inconvenience for those people who get sucked
into a lynching and then realize their mistake later.

Several people have already retracted things they said during past
lynchings and I hope we will see more of that as first step towards a
healthier community.



1. https://danielpocock.com/codes-of-conduct-and-hypocrisy/
2. https://fsfellowship.eu/2019/01/26/fsfe-behavior-standards.html
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