Oct 17, 2019, 10:08 by bugs@gnu.support:

> * Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> [2019-10-17 15:19]:
>> It seems incredible that a bunch of 11 people travel to Essen to
>> have a meeting and pass motions like this.  We just have to wait and
>> see when FSFE makes an official publication on their web site, they
>> have a Transparency page for things like this.
> It says "confidential" so it is not transparent.
> That document leaked that is confidential shows that people having
> access to such document do not approve of the actions in that
> document.

leaked or hoaxed?  Why do they call this a cat house, no cat would be seen dead 


Thursday is the new Monday.  I hate Mondays

humans can be so gullible

hurt Dr Stallman and I put my claw in your arse

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