Heroes are important. After the last messages in this forum I started to think 
about this in more detail.

Certain forces try to eliminate our heroes one by one.

Some examples:

1) The USA was the biggest nation in the world because they worshiped their 
soldiers and martyrs as heroes. This raises moral standards in society and the 
legitimate citizens of this country are more willing to sacrifice themselves 
for the country and thus protect the nation and its interests.

But the USA is on the decline as we can see these days. Trump, the legitimately 
elected leader, protects this nation's heroes by taking them out of the dirty 
desert of northern Syria and saving them from the crazy Turkish. But no, he is 
not thanked for this, he is labelled as a traitor. Politically correct 
opportunists prefer that the soldiers die a senseless death in a desert that 
interests no one.

And still people like JFK are celebrated as false heroes, while Lee Harvey 
Oswald can only be whispered about in the new "safe public spaces".

2) Let's look at China. Why is this country so successful? Because it worships 
its heroes, even if they have brought pain and suffering upon them. Chinese can 
suffer in the softened world because it is necessary. They worship Mao Zedong 
because he taught them that Western culture is the best. Many have lost 
relatives, but it was necessary. Today, they are the most advanced nation that 
quickly recognizes and neutralizes internal adversaries thanks to technological 

3) In the free software society we allow our leaders to be eliminated one by 
one. Linus is censored, RMS suffers reputation murder, Daniel is expelled from 
Debian. They are heroes but nobody dared to call them like that because the 
movement was already started in a time when weakness and political correctness 
made it to the core of our society.

                               *    *    *

But we have to defend our heroes! And much more: we have to create new heroes, 
call them by their name and spread their message as far as possible!

So I ask you: who are your heroes?

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