I've waited a long time for today! I am glad that you are here again, Maffias, 
so that we can tell you our opinion. Daniel has already tried that, but he has 
forgotten that you are no longer here. It is not surprising that you come back 
just when we find out that the Chinese government is imprisoning innocent 
people. It's just like you and Daniel. You keep him out of the Free Software 
community, which means he practically ended up in an mind wash camp of the 
false FSF*.

>  Is ahilter/hitler really Florian Snow?

This accusation does not surprise me. After all, I know which dirty pig I'm 
talking to. But I'm still annoyed that I'm being lumped together again with 
this traitor who betrays our community to Google! I read the mail a few hours 
ago, but I couldn't write because I can't soil my keyboard again. It still 
stinks since the last time I had rage diarrhea. I don't let my keyboard get 
soiled anymore! I also don't let my good name get dirty by comparisons with 
Florian Sow! (Of course he is known to you by heal "real", not appropriate 

> On Monday, 7 October 2019, at 10:49 ahilter gassed us with his rhetoric for 
> the first time.

Just for your information, I haven't gassed anybody! You from the false FSF* 
try to gas Daniel and if that doesn't work, you try to run him over! That was 
even you personally Maffias! So stop your false accusations and finally admit 
what crimes against humanity you committed! You wouldn't be the first German to 
have that happen and then be executed by the Allies. We are allied with Daniel 
and fight for our freedom just as we did then. You are our enema, but we will 
defeat you again in Berlin and you will end up dead in your bunker as well!

> ahilter recently forwarded mails to this list that could only come from a GA 
> member.

Now it's getting interesting. I also believe that the mails must have come from 
a GA member. Daniel was a member, but he could have published the mails 
himself, because he doesn't have to hide from you! So it was someone else from 
your ranks who sent this to me. Maybe one of the people who resigned out of 
disgust after your last secret meeting? We all know the names thanks to Daniel 
and you can ask them. But maybe you should consider why these people hate you 
so much that they prefer to leak documents to Daniel and me and resign. This 
clearly shows that something is rotten in the FSF*. It's just like in China, 
where dissidents take the risk of feeding the media information about prison 
camps. Here the true heroes, the FSF* dissidents become active and let us know 
the truth. Daniel and I are grateful for that, but you dirtbag don't want that 
of course. But it's too late, you can only stop the leak by resigning. 
Otherwise we will always get documents. And Daniel hasn't even released hi
 s audio recordings yet! You should be scared to the bone!

> A recent ahilter email has a typically white-Aryan disrespect for women from 
> the Balkan regions.

Show me proof, Maffias! You won't find any, you miserable subhuman! I said I 
think women from the Balkans are great. I have said that I can understand that 
Daniel goes there so often because the women are just hot as fuck. You can 
always see that in the pictures where he can be seen with young women with 
juicy asses and beautiful perky breasts. And he always smiles there like Tux, 
of whom Linux Torvald has always written that he smiles so contented because he 
just had sex. And why should that be sexist? The women there want sex just like 
everyone else! Don't women in the Balkans deserve sex? I think your point of 
view is sexist because you portray women as mentally incapable and "innocent". 
This is an outdated image of women that turns women into whores as soon as they 
have sex. It's really fucking makes me want to puke (or shit)! I want to have 
more women in our community so we can have more pleasurable things to look at 
and fuck more at our meetings. Maffias is unfortunately too ba
 ckward to understand this modern attitude, but that doesn't change the fact 
that it is right. You have to be able to stand by such positions even against 
resistance. Daniel has this problem and now I am part of it. But Daniel and I 
stand shoulder to shoulder and don't let ourselves get run over. Well, maybe 
you can manage two people with your fast German car, but there are more people 
here and if they all stand with us, you can't do it anymore! Maybe RMS is also 
with us and then you definitely can't run us over anymore, because he has put 
on some weight and your Mercedes gets stuck there! Then you can only send an 
army of Google cars, but that would be too conspicuous, because they are 
covered with logos.

> Florian Snow is known to be frustrated that FSFellowship uses his initials, 
> FS.

Thank you for telling me. I am glad that Daniel chose this name if it annoys 
you. Maybe he should create something with the initials MK, so that we can 
annoy you here, too, until you finally resign. But I don't think you have that 
much decency anyway, you scum of the earth!

> The list administrator was wise not to impose censorship on the list:

Of course Daniel is wise. Does that really surprise you? Then you are stupider 
than I thought. Daniel was so wise to start this list when the FSF* left their 
fellowship. He's the only one still fighting for us now that RMS is gone. He's 
our superhero! It's like in the movie: In the end he will win and bring down 
the wrong FSF* together with his friends. I stand by his side and nothing can 
separate us!

> This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All participants 
> are kindly asked to be excellent to each other: > 
> https://fsfe.org/about/codeofconduct

It's funny that you're now trying to introduce a code of conduct here, too. But 
I think Daniel will reject that as well as all the other nonsense that the 
wrong FSF* do. You no longer stand for freedom and a code of conduct that 
forbids sex is unrealistic anyway. That's why the wrong FSF* don't have any 
more success because they are sexually frustrated. We are not held back by a 
code of conduct and regular sex keeps us healthy!
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