Interesting.  Hadn't heard of IPA - this might be doable as a package after 1.0.


On 10/15/05, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi
>  I noticed this on the forum and thought it might be of interest
> to PFsense.
>  Post subject: Routed networks, per IP download limits and speed shaping.
> Posted: Oct 15, 2005 - 06:40 AM
>  User
>  Joined: Jun 11, 2004
>  Posts: 108
>  Location: Adelaide, Australia
>  Status: Offline
>   Hi guys,
>  I know this isnt IPCop related, not specifically, but your advice would be
> greatly appreciated.
>  Im looking for an open source solution or something which isnt too
> expensive software or hardware which can tie in with netflow exports from
> either cisco 3620 or cisco 3640 and return cmds to shape ips behind it....
> This is specifically for routed networks behind 1 device which can shape
> traffic, NAT is not neccessary.
>  or software which will turn a linux or bsd box into a router, which traffic
> shapes ip's to a specific speed, measures the traffic to that ip.. and when
> they reach a certain limit of traffic.. shapes them down to 64k or whatever
> rate u have chosen
>  Must have the ability to set timeframes.. like monthly download limits or
> daily or weekly... so when they reach their download limit, they are
> shaped.. and when they reach their timelimit.. they are throttled back to
> full speed again
>  Must also have the ability to set flatrate pipes to ip's, with burstable
> rates... and timeframes for peak and offpeak traffic..
>  i.e.: u give an ip a 1mbit pipe, with 1.5mbit burstable. During peak
> traffic times they are shaped to 1mbit, during offpeak they are put into a
> queue where they can burst upto 1.5mbit with 1mbit still garunteed
>  About 2 or 3 years ago, myself ( more of a networker ) and a freind ( the
> guy who did all the programming for me ) ,... developed an application which
> runs on openBSD and uses PF , IPA, cron and a series of perl and bash
> scripts to do relatively ALL of the above,..
>  The program called ipa
> has the ability to read the pf logfile and calculate bandwidth by tracking
> pf rule numbers. When the ipa daemon which reads the pf logfile and its own
> conf file reaches limits set in the conf file regarding specific rules to
> ip's, it can then execute system cmds to change the PF rules and add ip's to
> queues and various things.. which enables u to do basically all of the
> above...
>  We pump ALL the traffic to the networks we want to shape through the
> OpenBSD box, set the boxes routing table, and then use the package to do the
> rest of the work.
>  We then have a little .cgi we access to add and remove ip's from queues,
> give them download limits, timelimits, flat and burstable pipes, and the
> ability to input an ip, and view its current limits, and data downloaded for
> the current period.
>  The problem I face.. is im not a programmer.. but i think this could be a
> very useful tool to further develop and put on something like ipcop or a
> similar mini-distro more focussed on routed networks and NAT not being
> incuded .. or more something u turn on for flagged networks.. There is also
> a newer version of ipa in development (ipa2), which is modular and can plug
> into databases to store all the collected data and assumedly has improved
> options.
>  So yeah.. i would be interested in seeing if there is something else out
> there that allready does this easily for an inexpensive price, hardware or
> software.. or if other ppl think its worth throwing to the open source
> community to see if other ppl might want to pick my half done project up and
> make it an official project or mini distro... or any advice will do
>  Im quite prepared to let anyone have a look at the code and package we made
> for this, if they are at all interested in developing it further.. as it is
> definitely not in a state which other users could pickup as a package and
> install themselves and have some kind of support for it, albiet forums or
> email usergroups..
>  Im sorta in a situation where i either need to futher develop what i have
> started.. but have quite difficulty further developing it...
>  or find another solution for probably under $5,000 per site.
>  neways.. any replies will be greatly appreciated.
>  Cheerz
>  -shag
>  _________________
>  1.4.9, P3 500mhz, 8gig scsi,
>  438sdram, Internode ADSL2+
>  1.4.9-dev, P3 600mhz, 8gig scsi,
>  256sdram, Telstra Cable

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