Dear all,
sorry for making a new thread. Finally I got WRT310N in my hand for
testing. I follow David Rees Suggestion to use LAN port and not use
the internet port at all. it works. I can get IP from pfsense DHCP. So
my current setup like this :

Client --> AP --> pfsensebox --> proxy (on port 8080) --> internet

The first problem that arise is when I use default rules for LAN it
doesn't work(I can't ping proxy from client) . I change the source to
any and it works, but trying adding source network and specify my LAN
network it works too, so I think it safer than using source:any.

The problem that I still face is when I set the proxy on my browser,
my browser or pfsense seems confused. the browser status seems like it
working but after several seconds it failed. the browser said the
internet connection seems not working. The steps that can make me
connect are:
1. do direct connection, open a site, and captive portal will open
2. login and I'll be redirected to the site that I open, and set
browser's proxy and I'm connected to internet.

I have no idea why this is happen. What I know captive portal will
redirect any traffic to the portal page when the connection is not
authenticated including connection to proxy above pfsense box. any
idea how to solve this? if I have to make transparent proxy I'll make
a new proxy before the main proxy and it will parenting to the main
proxy, but I wish there are better solution.

beside that for the authentication. what is the advantage of using
RADIUS over pfsense local user manager?

thank you in advance.
best regards,

Muhammad Panji

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