This question comes up from time to time and is perpetually (and with great gusto) shot down. Running services such as Samba, ftpds, et al, on your firewall are not considered part of best security practices and are sternly advised against. A firewall should always serve as a stand-alone device. If you require samba for your network, best practices dictate installing it on its own box.
Richard Davis wrote:
I saw your pfSense post about wanting to run Samba on the firewall.  Did you
ever get a resolution?  I'm thinking of doing it that myself and I was
curious if it worked out for you. Any help would be appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Stompro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: [pfSense-discussion] Setup advice wanted, devices for public

I am trying to get things organized to deploy firewalls in 19 public libraries and 1 headquarters. I initially was using IPcop but really needed some of the features that pfSense was offering.

Currently I am looking to buy 21 FX5620 (the one Scott mentioned on the pfSense blog) from (site down, email abiatech (at) for info) for around $390 each. I was going to go with Lex booksized pc (CV860A-3R5F) from (about $260 each with no memory), but I really need 4 interfaces for what I want to do.

Each branch would use the interfaces like this (with some differences due to size of the library)
1 - Wan
1 - Staff PC (Lan,dhcp, may use the other 2 ports in bridged mode for staff machines, so I don't need an extra or managed switch, High Priority)
1 - Public PC (Opt1, dhcp, throttled low priority)
1 - Public Wireless (Opt2, Captive portal, dhcp, Throttled low priority)

Currently it isn't' possible to traffic shape more than 2 interfaces with pfSense so I think that part of the plan will have to wait, I would only throttle the public wireless interface to start with, and the others would just have a free run. A main goal is to protect the staff machines from the public machines and the wireless and make sure they always have the bandwidth they need for our core circulation application to remain responsive. I also want to setup vpn links between our staff machines in the branches and headquarters so I can get everyone on one active directory.

I was planning on doing a mix of Hard drive and CF setups, hard drives in a few larger branches where we may want to run squid filtering or have a local samba share. In most of the other locations I would rather go with CF so there are no moving parts. I am looking at Kingston Elite Pro CF cards, 512mb for $30 dollars, I saw them mentioned on the list. Does anyone have any recommendations of other brands. Is there really any point to getting a larger CF card? IS 64 or 128 sufficient when going with CF since I wouldn't want to be doing anything read or write intensive with them anyway? Anyone have recommendations for 2.5 inch hard drives for this sort of application? Has anyone thought of how a pfSense manager would work, something that would control a large deployment of pfSense Firewalls.
Thank you

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