On 12/18/06, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 18 Dec 2006, E L wrote:

> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 13:23:43 +0200
> To: Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     discussions@hamakor.org.il
> Subject: [UTF-8] Re: ן�½�"ן�½�¦ן�½�¢ן�½�" ן�½�œן�½(c)ן�½�™ן�½ ן�½�•ן�½�™
>     ן�½�—ן�½�§ן�½ ן�½�•ן�½�Ÿ
> On 12/18/06, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 18, 2006, E L wrote about "Re: ן�½?ן�½�¦ן�½�¢ן�½?
> ן�½?ן�½(c)ן�½?ן�½ן�½?ן�½?
>> ן�½�—ן�½�§ן�½ן�½?ן�½?":
>> > I think previous discussions proved that there is no agreement amount
>> the
>> > members of Hamakor when it comes to free content.
>> > (Look at the achieve for the discussion about the law offered by
>> meretz).
>> I don't think that discussion was relevant to "free content". "Free
>> content",
>> just like "free software" talks about the situation where the creators
>> this content decided, of their own free will, to give the content away
>> freely. The "arguments" you remember about the Meretz law were about
>> people
>> who did *not* want to give away their content freely. But I didn't hear
>> anyone say that free content shouldn't exist, and that we shouldn't
>> encourage it (while not forcing everyone to publish their content as
>> content).
> Some people were supportive of drm, then yea you can encourage free
> but while you enter the word content into the takanon
> you need to decide about all aspects of it.
>> Therefore I don't see any point in changing the takanon as it is
>> > covered by it.
>> A couple of years ago, a discussion on this list concluded that the
>> Takanon
>> does *not* cover free content, and therefore the Amuta cannot support
>> content projects like, for example, Wikipedia. So perhaps the Takanon
>> need changing in this respect.
> Why?
> There is a reason why not all members of Hamakor are members of CC
> and the other way around.
> Once hamakor support and encourage free content it means part of its
> resources are going to go to wikipedia
> part of it is going to go to the very importent ben yehoda project and
> on. Spreading such a small amuta over so many subjects is dangrous.
> Let CC do its work, we can back them up from the software aspect, but I
> think it's a not so wise idea to make it an official goal.
> Ely
> --
>> Nadav Har'El                        |      Monday, Dec 18 2006, 27
>> 5767
>> |-----------------------------------------
>> Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |A professor is one who talks in
>> someone
>> http://nadav.harel.org.il           |else's sleep.

Both wikipedia and the Ben Yehuda project(there is a lecture about it
today in Haifux, BTW) raise a lot more money than hamakor's yearly budget,
without hamakor's help.

Yes, so we should concentrate on FOSS IMOH.

However, wikipedia in Israel are considering creating an NPO. Using
hamakor for wikipedia's needs may help wikipedians by reducing the need
for beaurocracy, and by being entitled already for being tax deductable
donations, NOT by giving wikipedia money from the FOSS budget.

You are talking about completly different thing, about specifically helping
wikipedia people in a certain way, not about making hamakor deal with both
foss and free content. Even then why will hamakor want to do such a thing?
handling other people money involve legal risk ( hamakor will need to
monitor how they spend their money). This can also cause fighting between
what hamakor people might find risky or unethical to what wikipedia people
will want. Also it might cause wikipedia people to want to change certain
things in how hamakor is managed and since wikipedia has much more resources
hamakor is taking a risk of being sollowed with no apperent gain to its FOSS


Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda http://ladypine.org/
ICQ: 348759096
